Listen. Believe. Empower.


How to Respond to Disclosures

This training workshop is specifically for services that are looking to support survivors appropriately, gaining an understanding with regards to what sexual violence is, how it impacts the individual and how they may present due to their experiences and best practice with how to respond to any disclosures made. This training has been delivered to various services including Universities, Social Services, NHS and other support services, the training covers the following:

  • What is Sexual Violence
  • The barriers to disclosure
  • Responding to Disclosure
  • Impact of Sexual Violence
  • Window of Tolerance
  • Impact on the worker / Self Care

For In-person or Virtual training get in touch with us for a free consultation, email our training & development manager -

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 We have subsidised rates for statutory bodies and registered charities.



We are here to help you through this, towards recovery, wellbeing and independence. 

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